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Nick Morrison’s Beginner Bass Recommendations. 



The two most popular bass guitars are the Fender Precision bass and Fender Jazz bass. These instruments have been used extensively on almost all of your favorite songs and will work in any genre or style. Today there are many companies that make P or J style instruments that are all very capable thanks to modern manufacturing processes. Here are some basses that I recommend with a lower price point yet will still be quality instruments that you can practice, record, and gig with. Keep in mind, basses need to be set up periodically to adjust the string height, intonation, and truss rod to make sure they are playing their best. I generally would stay away from off brand basses that are under $200 because they often need much work to get them playing properly which can easily cost much more than the bass itself. 


Sire V3 J bass


Squier Classic Vibe Precision bass


Squier Classic Vibe Jazz Bass


Sire P5 P bass.


Short scale basses.


If you have smaller hands or difficulty stretching, you may consider a short scale bass. Short scale basses typically have a 30’ scale length. Short scale basses are very popular nowadays and can provide a deeper tone than a 34” scale bass yet have a little less clarity and definition. The strings typically have less tension as well due to the shorter string length.


Squier Classic Vibe Mustang Bass


Sire U5 short scale


5 String Basses.

If you are just starting out, I would recommend beginning on a four string, however, in some genres like Modern Gospel, a five string is almost a necessity. Here are some 5 strings that would be good to begin on.


Squier Classic Vibe 70s jazz bass


Yamaha BB435 5 string.


Beginner Amplifiers. 


I recommend purchasing an amplifier that is powerful enough to keep up in a band setting with a drummer while providing a solid deep sound. Tiny practice amps only work in a bedroom. Both the Fender Rumble 40 and Hartke HD50 are under $250 dollars and can work well in small venues and rehearsals. The Hartke is powerful and sounds the best,but is heavier to carry around. The Fender Rumble 40 is very light weight and is very portable while still sounding great. 


Fender Rumble 40


Hartke HD50




Your bass may or may not come with an instrument cable. It is always good to have an extra one in case yours breaks.


Gig Bags


Your bass may or may not come with a gig bag. I would not use a hard case unless you are traveling. A well padded gig bag provides great protection for your instrument while being very portable.

For excellent great protection and portability, I recommend Reunion Blues bass bags.



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